Ten Supernatural Thrillers That Are Great Detective Stories

Ten Supernatural Thrillers That Are Great Detective Stories

The following is a reprint of my 2021 article from Mystery & Suspense titled “Supernatural Detectives: Ten Supernatural Thrillers that are Also Great Detective Stories.” For more on crime fiction, see my post “Hard-Boiled Detectives: Unveiling Detective Fiction’s Thrilling Dark Influence.” Any good mystery draws the reader into a sinister puzzle (usually involving murder) while…

Hard-Boiled Charleston, SC
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Hard-Boiled Detectives: Unveiling Detective Fiction’s Thrilling Dark Influence

Detectives in the Shadows: A Hard-Boiled History by Susanna Lee, as published in The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, in March 2023. Susanna Lee’s Detectives in the Shadows is an incisive, entertaining jaunt through the hard-boiled genre from its pulp-fiction origins to the present. Lee, Professor and Chair of the Department of French…